Physics of Climbing: Friction

Physics of Climbing Feature Image

I like to imagine that when salamanders, lizards, flies, and other creepy crawlers scale vertical surfaces, they use imperceptible holds to maneuver. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Instead, these animals […]

Ontario Climbing

Ice Wall - Thunder Bay

The map below shows a very high level overview of climbing in Ontario. This page is meant as an additional supplement to the websites like the Crag and Mountain Project,  […]

Life is Climbing – A Review

Koba and Naoya

Disclaimer: Climb Onsight is a sponsor for the Canadian release of Life is Climbing. The Canadian screening information is at the bottom of the post. In climbing lingo, “Onsight” or […]

Physics of Climbing: Gravity

bouldering in Niagara Glen

Disclaimer: I am not a physicist. We had the option in high school to take either physics, biology, or chemistry. I chose biology. Oh well. The advice in this blog […]